All Courses

Once regisered , you can view the films as often as you like and for as long as you need. This pre-recorded course was filmed as 3 days of expressive painting inspired by the abundance and beauty of Spring flowers. The focus for finding a language for our paintings will be through colour and gesture. Working on a series of between 6 – 9 small paintings over the 3 days we will celebrate the colour, the ordered chaos and the scent and joy of the subject. Gathering armfuls of colours and marks from the inspiration of the flowers to work with we will compose them by layering, selecting, editing, simplifying and inventing. The paintings will be an exploration into how to capture the life, light, delicacy and poetry of the subject. In the end the paintings themselves will become the subject. This course is edited from the live Floribunda 2, delivered in April 2021. It is split into 2 films per day, each approximately up to an hour long. There is no feedback given.
Start Date | 17-May-2021 |
End Date | 31-Dec-2025 |
Price | £130.00 |
Course Details | floribunda_2_pre_recorded_may_2021.pdf |

You can start this course anytime between Nov 1st 2021 – December 31st 2025. You can view the films as often as you like and for as long as you need. Pattern is all around us. We wear it, live amongst it in our homes, cities and in the landscape. Its one of the ways in which we differentiate between things, and nature rewards us for being good at spotting it with intense visual pleasure.
Patterned cloth plays games with all of this, disguising and revealing, it responds to form and gravity and movement, it seems to be the perfect combination of the synthetic and the natural.
On this course you will be encouraged to make a series of shaped, painted and collaged relief constructions. Working with packaging cardboard, patterned cloth and acrylic paint you will make works that leave the flat rectangle behind to explore a more dynamic relationship with the wall, the architecture and the viewer.
Start Date | 01-Nov-2021 |
End Date | 31-Dec-2025 |
Price | £130.00 |
Course Details | Painting Patterned Cloth. Course notes.pdf |

The Geography of Paint is a three day practical painting course led by Simon Carter. There are 3 instructive films, each 1 hour and 30 minutes long.
Once registered, students have access to the films for as long as you need.
It can be difficult to see how to use the drawings we make. Whether loose notes in a sketchbook or more complete and considered, our initial drawings often have a life and spark that is easily extinguished in the studio. This course will start with your own draw-ings made from the landscape, maybe from your garden, a local park or street, the beach or from a favourite walk and will look at different ways they can inspire a free and experi-mental approach to the painting process.
Start Date | 03-Dec-2021 |
End Date | 31-Dec-2025 |
Price | £130.00 |
Course Details | geography-of-paint-prerecorded-pdf.pdf |

Have you ever wondered how to maintain the freshness and freedom of the work in your sketchbook when it comes to painting? If this sounds familiar, and you have sketchbooks full of exciting and experimental studies, just waiting to become inspire paintings, then this is the course for you! There are 10 short films of varying lengths that guide you through this course.
This exciting painting course is designed to follow on from Katie’s two inspirational sketchbook courses, Coming to Your Senses (landscape based) and Museum of the Self (on the subject of home). However, it could be used by anyone who has found themselves often pondering the same questions.
Once registered, students have access to the films for as long as you need.
Start Date | 03-Dec-2021 |
End Date | 31-Dec-2025 |
Price | £130.00 |
Course Details | from_sketchbook_into_paint.pdf |

A three-day course in which you will make a minimum of 2 large scale collages informed by research and resource drawings and paintings, made prior to commencement of the large scale works. The course will start with making a succession of drawings from close up observation of either house plants or some gathered flora and fauna or foliage in the garden.
Once registered, students have access to the films for as long as you need.
Start Date | 31-Jan-2022 |
End Date | 31-Dec-2025 |
Price | £130.00 |
Course Details | Oragnic Structures.pdf |

Now Offered as an Pre-recorded Online Course - Once registered, students have access to the films for as long as you need. This is a pre-recorded version of the live online course that I did in May. It is created as a 4 day course and each days recording is approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes long. It provides demonstrations and explanations of the processes and exercises that I offer. These are designed to help artists tackle the subject in a way that is expressive, personal and more intuitive. It also suggests ways to navigate the creative process and the journey that a body of work takes . The joy of being able to offer these recorded sessions is that you can work in your own studio space and at your own speed. You can watch them several times over and at a pace to suit your daily timetable. You can take much longer than four days if you need to. Once you have completed the course and made work, which does not have to be finished, you can send me images. I will enjoy looking at them and give you emailed feedback about what you have done and advice about how you might go forward..
Start Date | 24-Jun-2020 |
End Date | 31-Dec-2025 |
Price | £120.00 |
Course Details | floribunda_online_pre_recorded.pdf |

Colourful experiments in observation and abstraction
Pre-recorded Course. Once registered, students have access to the films for as long as you need
A three-day playful and experimental workshop in which you will make a minimum of 10 optically dynamic abstract paintings in response to a pair of evolving, highly coloured still lives constructed in modified and painted cardboard boxes. The paintings will be visually informed by the Colour Theatre still lives but not be slavish copies. Seeking instead a painterly visual equivalence for the three dimensional richness of the Theaters. The Paintings and the Theatres will be changed in response to each other.
Start Date | 02-Nov-2020 |
End Date | 31-Dec-2025 |
Price | £130.00 |
Course Details | the_colour_theatre_online.pdf |

Online Course Once registered, students have access to the films for as long as you need.
This 3 day course is all about becoming more knowledgeable and confident when mixing and using colour in your paintings. For the purposes of this workshop Emily demonstrates with a range of good quality acrylics and mediums on paper, but all of the principles are relevant for oils too. We will be working with a selection of 3 or 4 of each of the primary colours, plus white. With these we will mix an infinite range of colours.
Start Date | 02-Nov-2020 10:00 am |
End Date | 31-Dec-2025 12:00 pm |
Price | £130.00 |
Course Details | colour_on_colour_online_pre_2020.pdf |

A Pre-recorded Course . Once registered, students have access to the films for as long as you need.
A 3 day course during which you will ‘construct’ three large (A1+) paintings( on a choice of supports- stretched canvas, MDF or ply board, or Heavy duty paper), using visual material gathered from a variety of sources. You will be asked to choose an outside space as your subject matter or resource, such as your garden, a local park or nearby wood. This visual material will include the making of quick drawings and paintings on paper, recording interesting forms, light and shadows, and the collecting of any objects and artefacts that would present interesting shapes and forms to work from. This accumulated visual matter will then be used as the starting materials and basis with which to embark on the three larger paintings, which will be made by employing a whole variety of methods, including- collage, experimental mark making, glazing, and paint transfer methods.
Start Date | 18-Nov-2020 10:00 am |
End Date | 31-Dec-2025 12:00 pm |
Price | £130.00 |
Course Details | joe_packer_constructing_a_landscape.pdf |

A selection of 8 short films for inspiration (To use in the same way that you would dip into an art book).
John Skinner has been a visiting tutor at the Seawhite Studio for the past 15 years. Twice a year he teaches a Master Class to artists who are serious in their search to find ways to move their work forward and become more poetic. He always generously shares his experience, thoughts and feelings about painting. We have 8 short films made by John available here for you to purchase. In these films John explains his philosophy about the process of making paintings and where his inspiration comes from. Some of these are selected recordings of past talks given by John during the Master Classes, some are poetic films that he has made in France exploring the subjects that fascinate him.
Once registered, students have access to the films for as long as you need.
Start Date | 09-Dec-2020 10:00 am |
End Date | 31-Dec-2025 12:00 pm |
Price | £25.00 |
Course Details | john_skinner_philosophy.pdf |