Course Dates March 26th - 28th (Wed - Friday) 2025
Choose which sessions in the year you would like to come. Booking ahead is essential to secure your place.
These sessions are designed for artists who need encouragement and support to become more confident and self-motivated with their painting.
Start Date | 26-Mar-2025 9:30 am |
End Date | 28-Mar-2025 4:30 pm |
Price | £315.00 |
Reference | CPS/2021/0609/TC |

Course dates: April 1st - 4th 2025 (Tuesday to Friday)
Suitable for all levels, including beginners.
Inspired by the 'Matisse in his Studio’ exhibition, we will be creating simple still life set ups in the studio, bringing a sense of domestic space, though props, objects, fabrics and furniture. The way objects inhabit a space can be so evocative, suggesting something that has, or is about to happen, a half drunk cup, an open book. Still life has also been used by artists as a simple, manageable subject with which to play with much more universal themes, the play of light on forms, the effect of colour and pattern in a composition.
Start Date | 01-Apr-2025 9:30 am |
End Date | 04-Apr-2025 4:30 pm |
Price | £400.00 |
Course Details | simply_still_life_april_2025_katie_sollohub.pdf |

Course Dates April 23rd - 25th (Wed - Friday) 2025
Choose which sessions in the year you would like to come. Booking ahead is essential to secure your place.
These sessions are designed for artists who need encouragement and support to become more confident and self-motivated with their painting.
Start Date | 23-Apr-2025 9:30 am |
End Date | 25-Apr-2025 4:30 pm |
Price | £315.00 |
Reference | CPS/2021/0609/TC |

Course Dates: April 28th- May 2nd 2025 (Monday - Friday)
This 5 day course will begin by taking you on a journey through the process of making drawings and studies whilst moving through the landscape of the South Downs. You will travel light with a range of materials, that will be provided for you, that enable you to make playful mixed media explorations. They are not plans for paintings but a compilation of things seen, felt, heard. Two days in the landscape will be followed by three days in the studio using this material to start to develop a series of paintings. Back in the studio Emily will demonstrate the many possibilities that paint can offer. She will help with the process of unpacking the potential from the studies and get everyone working on 3 – 4 paintings. You will navigate the path that the paintings may want to take and keep a playful sense of engagement.
Start Date | 28-Apr-2025 9:30 am |
End Date | 02-May-2025 4:30 pm |
Price | £500.00 |
Course Details | uponthedowns2025.pdf |
Course Dates: 19th- 21st May 2025 (Monday – Wednesday)
There is an idea that when we view a landscape painting without a human figure we imaginatively project ourselves into the painted space. And so the work becomes about our relationship with the landscape and whoever or whatever created it. If we put a figure in it the whole dynamic changes, now we wonder what the figure is thinking, doing, what is their relationship with their surroundings and what is ours to them. No small thing! In Freidrich’s ‘Monk by the Sea’ don’t we wonder what the monk thinking about?
Start Date | 19-May-2025 9:30 am |
End Date | 21-May-2025 4:30 pm |
Price | £300.00 |
Course Details | thefigueinthelandscape2025.pdf |
Course Dates: 28th- 30th May 2025 (Wednesday - Friday)
A three-day, intensive and experimental drawing course with 2 tutors, who specialise in drawing and creating inventive processes to encourage fresh ways of looking and creating images. Emily and Katie share their love of drawing as a process of exploration and discovery. This exciting course is a wonderful and unique opportunity for artists to explore the breadth and depth of drawing: working with charcoal, ink, simple animation, collage, installation, working on both very large and small scale, different surfaces and in collaboration with the model and other the artists.
Start Date | 28-May-2025 9:30 am |
End Date | 30-May-2025 4:30 pm |
Price | £450.00 |
Course Details | The Figure in Movement - Expressive Drawing May 2025.pdf |
Course Dates: 3th- 6th June 2025 (Tuesday - Friday)
A four day painting course with 2 tutors. Emily and Katie share their love of painting as a process of exploration and discovery. This exciting course is an intense and unique opportunity to explore colour and gesture in response to the moving figure. The large space of the studio will be transformed using colour installations for the figure to move through and interact with. The walls will be generously covered with rolls of paper and canvas for the atists to work on. Students bring their own paints and brushes, but paper and canvas is all provided.
Start Date | 03-Jun-2025 9:30 am |
End Date | 06-Jun-2025 4:30 pm |
Price | £580.00 |
Course Details | The Figure in Movement - Expressive Painting June 2025.pdf |
Start Date | 16-Jun-2025 9:30 am |
End Date | 20-Jun-2025 4:30 pm |
Price | £480.00 |
Course Details | seawhitestudioresidencyemilyjune.pdf |

Online Course Time: June 23rd - 26th 2025 (Monday - Thursday) 10am - 12:30pm each day.
Sitting in the garden at the height of summer is heaven. Whether you have a beautiful garden of your own or you love to visit a garden for your inspiration, this course is a celebration of the abun-dance of the summer garden. In May and June the shoots and buds are urgently pushing forward, gathering pace.
Start Date | 23-Jun-2025 10:00 am |
End Date | 26-Jun-2025 12:30 pm |
Price | £250.00 |
Course Details | Summer School 2024 online Summer in the Garden.pdf |

Course Dates: 30th June- 4th July 2025 (Monday - Friday)
This 5 day painting course takes its inspiration from Highdown Garden near Worthing, a unique chalk garden on the Downs. This garden is beautiful and remarkable. In the unlikely setting of a chalk pit the founders of the garden sourced plants from all over the world that would thrive in this habitat. It is a garden full of delights; mature trees and plants, winding pathways that lead to open spaces where you can sit and drink in the sites, sounds and smells. Long summer days are the time to celebrate the colour and abundance of nature. The first 2 days of the course are spent in the garden making lots of studies capturing the experience of this peaceful and inspiring place. The rest of the week is spent at the Seawhite studio where ambitious and expressive paintings will be created using these studies and our memories of the place.
Start Date | 30-Jun-2025 9:30 am |
End Date | 04-Jul-2025 4:30 pm |
Price | £550.00 |
Course Details | summer_school_2025_summer_in_the_garden.pdf |