“Everything lives inside us.”
He says live with the world inside you.
He says it doesn’t matter if you draw,
or write books. It doesn’t matter
if you saw wood, or catch fish… Detail from Hokusai Says by Roger Keyes.
This year I’ve had the opportunity to see through other's eyes. As an artist I aim to share my perspective on the world. I now smell, taste and hear colour. I am captivated by atypical colour and find myself drawn to more abstract responses to my surroundings. To quote Emily, I don’t want to just ‘push paint around’ on a canvas and I aim to delve deeper into capturing my presence on canvas in paint.
A friend wrote,”How often have we ourselves become aware that we're not really being listened to, or not listening fully?
I intend to listen with greater and more kindly attention, using those cues - What's behind their words? Can I hear who they are yet?” Angela Scarrot.
I intend to paint what I hear, see, touch, smell, taste and feel emotionally. I aim to create a body of work in circles to suggest seeing in full circle... in the round.