‘Paint Fit’ was a course that I invented in February 2021. The idea grew out of a realisation that many artists have the time, a studio space but sometimes lack the self belief, a routine and momentum to really push on with their work through the difficult stages. The support of like minded people helps, but having a Paint Fit ‘coach’ to get them going and not allow them to lose their focus and ambition seemed to be the missing ingrediant.

For an hour each morning, online, over 2 weeks I talked, motivated, demonstrated and gave them tools and processes to help them use the resources that they already had. I unpacked the process and stages of making a body of work. After the hour together we were warmed up and ready to spend the rest of the day in our studios working in a focused, positive way. We had made the commitment to be uncompromising and playful; open to the new possibilities of what might come up as we worked.

In February 2022 I taught Paint Fit again and worked with some wonderful artists who were very open and excited to be part of a group that shared and supported one another. This online exhibition shows how the course inspired them and has continued to feed their practise and help them make the paintings that they wanted to do. We still meet and encourage each other to be brave, bold and ambitious with our painting.

I will be teaching another 2 week Paint Fit course from October 31st – November 4th and November 7th – 11th 2022. Further details can be found here.

Emily Ball August 2022

Nicola Watson

Finding Space to Let Go

I have drawn and painted all my life. I was brought up on a hilly sheep farm in the Peak District and this began my connection to the land which gave me solace and inspiration.

During my Art degree I started being interested in the landscape’s ability to create different atmospheres – open moors, protective boulders, dark caves and looking through trees to the light – then tried to convey these different atmospheres in my work. 

I have always enjoyed spending time in the landscape and responding to it by making studies but I often found the landscape overwhelming until I began to focus on specific areas. When spending longer studying in one place I am able to concentrate on absorbing the different characteristics through my senses which helps me connect and respond to that particular place. 

At the moment my subject is a Northumberland beach which I have visited every year since my eldest son was born in 1998. And my subject title for these particular studies, which I did in May 2021, is Finding Space to Let Go. A while ago I was thinking about my inspirations and desires and realised this is a place I always find space to let go.  A place high up in the sandy dunes with the wind blowing through the long grasses, glimpses of the dark sea, and constant sounds of insects and birds fills me up with nature that I love. 

This is the start of a series and is still in progress. I have a joint show November 14-26 2022 in Sheffield at Snig Hill Gallery. 

Contact email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

               Instagram: nicolawatsonart

Friday, 12 August 2022
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Emily Ball at Seawhite,
2 Downs View Road,
East Sussex,
BN25 4PT
Telephone: 01903 743 537
Email: admin@emilyballatseawhite.co.uk


Emily Ball at Seawhite
Seawhite Studio,
Star Road,
Partridge Green
West Sussex RH13 8RY
United Kingdom