Elisabetta Sonda

The selection shown here are some of the studies I painted during the Paint Fit course, others I developed successively.

Several works are works dedicated to “Liguria”, a region on the North-West coast of Italy where I have lived for the last 30 years. I love the place very much, with its small colourful villages, the smell of the sea, the bright sun, the small harbours. As I was born and grew up in the Netherlands, living here is like being on a permanent holiday… My colour palette reflects the joyful place.

For my still life paintings, which are often related to memories of my childhood, I use a duller palette which brings me back to the privacy and atmospheres inside home.

Another subject I love to explore are flowers and I enjoy them in my little garden every day. I love to fill my vases with these beautiful flowers offered to me so generously by my garden, lighting and cheering up my everyday life. I love them because… well, who doesn’t love flowers?

Emily gave us to understand that we first have to think and write over what we love about our subject, evoking all the experiences, feelings, and emotions that come into our mind and trying to give form to those thoughts, inventing and improvising more than making a work that reflects reality. Thus encouraging to use fantasy and interpretation while painting and that is where painting becomes poetry.

www.elisabettasonda.com This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thursday, 10 August 2023
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Emily Ball at Seawhite,
2 Downs View Road,
East Sussex,
BN25 4PT
Telephone: 01903 743 537
Email: admin@emilyballatseawhite.co.uk


Emily Ball at Seawhite
Seawhite Studio,
Star Road,
Partridge Green
West Sussex RH13 8RY
United Kingdom