Landscape Drawing and Painting - Picturing Space
Course Dates: 12th - 14th April 2023 (Wednesday - Friday)
This course can be done as a follow on from - Landscape drawing and painting. PROCESS AND ABSTRACTION. Or as a stand alone course.
This three day practical course explores how space in the Landscape can have it's equivalent in drawing and painting. In the landscape our perception of space affects us profoundly. In painting and drawing, creating the illusion of space on a flat surface feels magical. Both are infinitely varied in appearance and in cause and affect.
Atmospherics, the effect of light and darkness, relative scale and the position of objects and forms have their equivalents in the material qualities of charcoal and paint and their interactions with ground and support and how mark, tone and colour and their compositional relationships can create the illusion of space.The relationship between Landscape painting and Abstraction is a long and close one and exploring this is a central element of the course. Our starting point is the creating of space in abstract works before introducing more direct and specific reference to the observed outdoors. You will be given carefully designed demonstrations and excercises to provide you with a solid base for creating increasingly personal experimental works. You will be encouraged to make a large number of works on paper in both charcoal and acrylic paint. Acrylic in this context having the advantage of fast drying, enabling speed of production and associated learning, and easy transport home. There will be slide shows and discussions on relevant contemporary and historical artists at the start of the day and at lunchtime.
See Course Details for further information
Event Details
Start Date | 12-Apr-2023 9:30 am |
End Date | 14-Apr-2023 4:30 pm |
Price | £300.00 |
Location | Seawhite |
Course Details | Landscape course - Picturing Space April 2023.pdf |