The Working Landscape - August

(1 – 4pm students continue working on their own)
The Working Landscape is a four day practical course led by Simon Carter. The course gives you the opportunity to follow Simon in his working routines. It will be a rare opportunity to look over his shoulder as he walks and draws in the landscape and as he draws and paints in the studio. Students will be able to follow Simon onto the Essex coast by means of a short film, and watch as he draws and discusses the process of observational drawing. You will then be required to head out into the landscape to draw, whether it is your garden, the local park, the beach or a favourite walk. Simon will then discuss how these drawings can be ‘unpacked’ in the studio, making larger expressive, mark-led drawings from them, and then look at how these are used to start a painting.
Day one of the course will be introduced and lead by a specially made short film of Simon drawing. Days two to four will start with live online demonstrations, looking at how these drawings can be used in the studio. Students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the experience of drawing and painting, being encouraged to be bold and experimental in their approach.
A gallery page on the website has been set up for students attending the course to post their work on line. We will be able to look at the results of each days work. This will be a way of celebrating our shared experience and gaining extra inspiration. It also gives Simon the opportunity to see the work and give one to one feedback, to help their progress and confidence.
Event Details
Start Date | 24-Aug-2020 10:00 am |
End Date | 27-Aug-2020 12:00 pm |
Price | £130.00 |
Course Details | the_working_landscape_august.pdf |