Summer School 2016

Summer School 2016

Set in the Nutbourne Vineyard and The Seawhite Studio, Responding to Nature out in the Sussex Landscape will be our starting point for this five day intensive course, painting both on location and in the studio. Students will have time to really explore the whole process of creating finished paintings that go beyond the first stages of drawing what you see. There will be space for experimentation, risk taking and development of work. Emily and Katie will provide a framework to help students focus on their subject in a way that is open to new possibilities, sharpening their awareness of all the qualities of the subject that could go unnoticed at first glance. Above all there will be time to have a Master Class in handling paint in an expressive and poetic way. Students will be encouraged to be ambitious and perhaps work on a large scale if they wish, taking advantage of the large studio space, materials and input of the tutors. Work created on this course could fuel a whole body of work that lasts a year back in your own studio. It will be an invigorating, productive and exhausting week.

"Art does not reproduce what we see, rather it makes us see". Paul Klee 

Event Details

Start Date 25-Jul-2016 9:30 am
End Date 29-Jul-2016 4:30 pm
Price £350.00
Location Seawhite
Course Details summer_school_3x600.jpg

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Location Map

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Emily Ball at Seawhite,
2 Downs View Road,
East Sussex,
BN25 4PT
Telephone: 01903 743 537


Emily Ball at Seawhite
Seawhite Studio,
Star Road,
Partridge Green
West Sussex RH13 8RY
United Kingdom