Simply Paint (More) New - Term 1 Week 1 (3)

The course dates are October 8th, 22nd, November 5th, 19th, December 3rd, 17th, 2015
Patterns, figure, objects observation
Working from the model for the whole of the term. Making studies in paint and beginning oil paintings on canvas and board
This course is designed for students with less confidence or experience with painting in oils and acrylics. However, it could equally be a very refreshing course for an experienced painter who would like to strip back their process again and rediscover how wonderfully versatile and evocative paint is. Last years Simply Paint course was a joy to teach as we took each stage of the process of discovering paint; taking time to mix it, layer it, add mediums and begin to gain an insight into the numerous possibilities it has to offer. This course continues this exploration revealing yet more gorgeous qualities.
With the subject of the Figure and Interior students will make paintings on stretched canvas and boards. These works will be ongoing over several months so that there is the opportunity to work on dry surfaces, layer paint, do glazes and see how a painting develops over time. Smoothing, scraping, glazing, pouring, polishing, dabbing, puddling, stroking, dragging, smearing, rubbing, By the end of year students will come away with a fantastic collection of paintings, more confidence and a better understanding about how a body of work is created. We will reference artists such as; Bonnard, Rose Hilton, Vuillard, Richard Debunker, Matisse, Roy Oxlade.
Event Details
Start Date | 08-Oct-2015 9:30 am |
End Date | 08-Oct-2015 4:30 am |
Price | £360.00 |
Location | Seawhite |