DRAWING: Thinking on Paper

DRAWING: Thinking on Paper

An exhibition of drawings by tutors at the Seawhite Studio: Emily Ball, Nick Bodimeade, Betsy Dadd & Lydia C S, Gary Goodman, John Skinner, Katie Sollohub, Helen Turner, Simon Carter and Gary Wragg.

At the Atrium Gallery, Seawhite of Brighton, Star Road Trading Estate, Partridge Green, West Sussex RH13 8RY.

5 October 2019 – 10 January 2020.

Opening Preview:  Saturday 5 October 2019, 10 am - 4 pm. 

Exhibition continues until 10 January 2020. Visits by appointment only, Monday - Friday

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange a visit.  


“Drawing is essential. It is the act of seeing manifest. Drawing creates the world and sets our place within it.” (Simon Carter)

Curated by Emily Ball and featuring the work of nine artists, this show is a celebration of drawing and an opportunity to showcase the work of the artists that tutor at the Seawhite studio.  The strength of this teaching team lies not only in their expertise and wealth of knowledge, but in their passion for sharing their approach with their students – and this includes the importance that each of them places on drawing as an integral part of their practice.

“Through drawing you see the world better.  You take time to look; you notice the small details, the beauty, the repetitions, the colours, the rhythms. You give yourself time, to pause, breathe, think, reflect, and feel.”(Katie Sollohub)

“Drawing is a direct and handmade response to things seen. There is an immediacy to a good drawing, you feel close to something being seen and responded to.” (Simon Carter)

“I love drawing; it's like thinking on a piece of paper.” (Gary Goodman)

“Drawing is possibly the bit I love most – magically making something from next to nothing.”(Nick Bodimeade)

“I think of drawings as works of art in themselves -I don't make a distinction between drawing and painting.” (John Skinner)

The exhibited works reveal the different function and purposes that drawings can have. Some are finished pieces whilst others are still raw; exploratory studies, revealing the artist’s search for a language of marks that resonate. They are a fascinating insight into the way each artist has unpacked, reassembled and found their image through the act of drawing.

The experimental nature of some of these drawings has proved a challenge in hanging the show, but it is one that Emily Ball has embraced as part of the process of broadening people’s horizons about what constitutes a drawing. With this show, it is her firm intention to defy the preconception that drawing is merely a preparatory activity before painting.

“Without drawings, artists wouldn’t be able to have a language for their paintings: their drawings should be as tough and rigorous as their paintings.   Drawing is vital.  I want to switch people on to why it is so important, and remind them how beautiful it is too.”


Event Details

Start Date 05-Oct-2019 10:00 am
End Date 05-Oct-2019 4:00 pm
Location Seawhite Of Brighton

Location Map

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Emily Ball at Seawhite,
2 Downs View Road,
East Sussex,
BN25 4PT
Telephone: 01903 743 537
Email: admin@emilyballatseawhite.co.uk


Emily Ball at Seawhite
Seawhite Studio,
Star Road,
Partridge Green
West Sussex RH13 8RY
United Kingdom