The Seawhite Studio is a unique and outstanding studio, created through a collaboration between Emily Ball and art suppliers Seawhite of Brighton, based in Partridge Green.
This big warehouse studio has fantastic light and is fully equipped with easels, tables, chairs, planchests, painting storage racks, storage shelves and boxes for students’ art equipment. There is also a library area where reviews and discussions take place. There is tea and coffee provided, and a microwave and fridge for lunchtimes, as needed.
A short walk from the studio is the Seawhite showroom where there are a great range of art supplies to buy at very reasonable prices. We also have a private and beautiful gallery space within Seawhite where we put on fantastic shows of tutors and students work throughout the year
There is ample parking and access to the studio space is up a flight of stairs. Seawhite also run an art shop on the premises, so that students can stock up with necessary art equipment as required.