The Allure of Water on Paper

Date - 23 March 2020 (Monday)
Cost includes paper and a selection of drawing and painting tools
Using a variation of scales and surfaces we will be exploring the wonderful qualities of paper with
both water based paint, drawing materials and processes.
You will be encouraged to immerse yourself in the materials and look beyond the formal aspects of
easel based painting, working on the walls or the floor with different implements to create a variety
of marks and surfaces.
The day course will start with a talk on the importance of processes in modern painting and be
designed to quickly explore the act of painting through some of these different techniques .
Some drawing and painting implements for different processes will be provided. Although intensive
the course doesn’t have to be too physically challenging.
Event Details
Start Date | 23-Mar-2020 9:30 am |
End Date | 23-Mar-2020 4:30 pm |
Price | £90.00 |
Reference | WOP/2020/0324SC |
Location | Seawhite |
Course Details | Water on Paper Monday 23 February 2020.pdf |