3D Painting (NEW)

3D Painting (NEW)

New Course

Building upon the reliefs of Picasso and Rauschenberg’s Combines, this course will explore what happens when painting takes place on what is clearly an object. How three dimensional form changes colour, shape and illusion and how the viewers’ experience of the work is affected as they move in relationship to it. How painting has a dialogue with sculpture and installation, and most importantly, how, as Frank Stella’s wall pieces show us, the addition of three dimensions can produce the most extraordinary visual feast. A three day practical workshop with daily slide shows.

Event Details

Start Date 26-Oct-2015 9:30 am
End Date 28-Oct-2015 4:30 pm
Price £225.00
Location Seawhite
Course Details 3D_Painting_course.jpg

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Emily Ball at Seawhite,
2 Downs View Road,
East Sussex,
BN25 4PT
Telephone: 01903 743 537
Email: admin@emilyballatseawhite.co.uk


Emily Ball at Seawhite
Seawhite Studio,
Star Road,
Partridge Green
West Sussex RH13 8RY
United Kingdom