Simply Still Life

Simply Still Life

Course dates: April 23rd - 26th  2024 (Tuesday to Friday)

Suitable for all levels, including beginners.

Inspired by the 'Matisse in his Studio’ exhibition, we will be creating simple still life set ups in the studio, bringing a sense of domestic space, though props, objects, fabrics and furniture. The way objects inhabit a space can be so evocative, suggesting something that has, or is about to happen, a half drunk cup, an open book. Still life has also been used by artists as a simple, manageable subject with which to play with much more universal themes, the play of light on forms, the effect of colour and pattern in a composition.

You will make a series of colour studies and paintings from group still life set-ups, paying special attention to fabrics and objects with sumptuous colour, pattern, texture. These different approaches will help you get to know the subject, and can then be applied to start a painting, giving you several ways in. You will start 2 or 3 paintings, and have time to work on them to some kind of resolution. Other artists that will provide inspiration are Morandi, Soutine, Braque, Winifred Nicholson, Gwen John, Bonnard and Tricia Gillman.

See the Course Details for more information.

Event Details

Start Date 23-Apr-2024 9:30 am
End Date 26-Apr-2024 4:30 pm
Price £400.00
Location Seawhite
Course Details Simply_Still_Life_April_2024.pdf


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Location Map

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Emily Ball at Seawhite,
2 Downs View Road,
East Sussex,
BN25 4PT
Telephone: 01903 743 537


Emily Ball at Seawhite
Seawhite Studio,
Star Road,
Partridge Green
West Sussex RH13 8RY
United Kingdom