Constructing a Landscape Painting

Constructing a Landscape Painting

Course Dates: 20th- 22nd June  2023 (Tuesday - Thursday )

A 3 day course during which you will ‘construct’ up to three large (A1+) paintings Heavy duty paper, using quick drawings and paintings made from nature through a variety of approaches, as a your visual resource. We will work in an outside space, weather permitting, a nearby wood on the first day. You will gather visual material, working first in black and white, and then progressing to colour. Making a series of quick drawings and paintings on paper, recording interesting forms, light and shadows, perhaps getting in quite close and intimate with the woodland undergrowth rather than recording the overall vista. This accumulated visual information will then be used as the starting materials and basis with which to embark on the larger paintings back at the studio on days 2 and 3.You will use these as both a resource to work from and as materials that may be directly employed as part of your larger paintings in a collage capacity. You will be experimenting with a whole variety of painting processes, including- collage, experimental mark making, glazing, and paint transfer methods.

See Course Details for further information

Event Details

Start Date 20-Jun-2023 9:30 am
End Date 22-Jun-2023 4:30 pm
Price £300.00
Location Seawhite
Course Details constructing_a_landscape_june_2023.pdf


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