The Painting Group - Term 3

The Painting Group  - Term 3

Course Dates March 30th & 31st, May 11th & 12th, June 8th & 9th 2020

By registering here you are booking for all the weeks in the term.

This monthly course provides help and support for experienced painters to become confident in establishing and sustaining a good regular working practise and a flow with their work. Both Emily and Julian focus on ways of inspiring a creative energy by giving talks, creating helpful exercises, giving demonstrations and one to one tutorials. Working as a group and individually each artist is helped to put more intensity and content into the work. Artists are given strategies to prevent hesitation, being stuck or bored. Artists need to bring their own subject, studies and on going work to each session. Being part of a group of like minded artists, and attending this course regularly over the year, will help each artist produce a strong and significant body of work, build confidence, independence and trust in their own creative abilities and intuition.

Event Details

Start Date 30-Mar-2020 9:30 am
End Date 31-Mar-2020 4:30 pm
Price £450.00
Reference PG/2020/0330/TC
Location Seawhite

We are no longer accepting registration for this event