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Mentor Based Time at the Seawhite Studio

Mentor Based Time at the Seawhite Studio




Three days of tutored studio time to really boost your

independent practice.

Images: students working during the Creative Painting Space :Juliet Robertson, Kate Rochester, Hannah Wildman (Emily Ball)


Dear  ‍


The Creative Painting Space is a regular fixture in our course programme. The next session is taking place in March (Wednesday 13 – Friday 15 March, £315),  and will be tutored by Emily Ball.  Places are still available, so in this newsletter we wanted to share what makes these sessions so rewarding, and hear from both tutors and participating artists about what they enjoy about the Creative Painting Space experience. Many thanks to artist Jen Oliver for her fresh perspective  on what attending the Creative Painting Space for the first time was like.  Her thoughts provide a valuable insight into what makes these sessions so special.


Read on to find out more, or click on the link below to head straight to our website to book your place:

The Creative Painting Space:

How it works.

Image: Creative Painting Space (February, Nick Bodimeade)


The Creative Painting Space sessions are three-day blocks of studio time for artists who want to develop their independent practice.  The sessions are

focused on one-to-one tutorials that seek to improve production and pace, and help artists to find ways to become unstuck. Each participating artist comes with an existing body of work that they are developing, and during the three days are able to spread and see this work as a whole, with plenty of wall space for studies and works-in-progress.  


Artists attending the Creative Painting Space benefit from working with a group of like-minded artists: the studio's atmosphere is always filled with possibilities, creativity and purposeful determination - and great paintings (of course!).  Having three consecutive days of undiluted painting time also give each person the chance to really see progress and get absorbed in their work.

Image: Creative Painting Space (February, Nick Bodimeade)

The Creative Painting Space:

Mentor-Based Studio Time.

“My role in these sessions is to support the students’ aims and intentions.  I feel the most important thing is to help the individual make personal critical decisions about the development of their practice. Critical decision making can sound daunting but really it can be as simple as saying this is better than that, and then using that judgement to move forward.” ~ Nick Bodimeade

Image: Emily talking to artists about their work


The Creative Painting Space is tutored by either Emily Ball or Nick Bodimeade.  Their role in these sessions is that of a mentor.  In addition to

providing a supportive critical eye, they also offer practical advice on materials and processes, as well as sharing their own approach to painting.


“Personally I find it very rewarding helping artists to resolve creative dilemas in their paintings.  I look and listen, and aim to help them find a visual language that celebrates their sensibilities about their subject.  At the end of 3 intensive days it is fantastic to see the progress in the work and the increased confidence in each artist.” ~ Emily Ball

The Creative Painting Space:

The experience of participating artists.

Image: notes and work station, Jen Oliver , Creative Painting Space, September 2023


The Creative Painting Space attracts a diverse range of artists - with a variety of subjects and interests - who are at different points in their painting journey.  However, what they all have in common is a commitment to sustain a regular painting practice and a desire to develop their visual language and strengthen their confidence in painting.  Some participants have been attending for years and have gone on to undertake formal qualifications, have successful shows and win prestigious art prizes.  But they still come back to the Creative Painting Space to benefit from the quality of mentoring offered by Emily and Nick.


The Creative Painting Space also benefits from new artists joining.  We asked Jen Oliver  - a newcomer to the Seawhite Studio - to give us her thoughts and impressions of the September session  she attended with Emily as tutor: 


“I took part in the Creative Painting Space in September 2023 which was a week before going back to my day job as an Art Director after maternity leave. Suffice to say I was in a bit of a vulnerable and emotional place! I signed up for the course as I was keen to restart my art practice after a decade-long hiatus and the Seawhite Studio looked like a really creative, open, but challenging place to explore what this could look like again. 


"The atmosphere in the studio was very buzzy and friendly. It made me think of the Bake-Off tent - supportive but a feeling that you would 'up your game' whilst surrounded by talented and passionate people. Emily would set us off on creative warm-up tasks each morning which for me were great for loosening up and getting to know the materials again.

Image: studies and paintings, Jen Oliver , Creative Painting Space, September 2023


"It would then be fairly self-directed as Emily made her way through the studio to have one-on-ones with people.  Her guidance was honest and supportive where it was needed but she also has a skill in knowing when you can push yourself further. At the end of each day we would have a walk around and check-in at each person's space. I met some wonderful people, and I would say this was one of the really special things about the Creative Painting Space. The feeling of community and camaraderie across the three days was really special.  

‍"Booking onto the Creative Painting Space (as well as other courses at the studio) gives me milestones in the calendar to work to and

ensures I make the time for my art, which is a really

important part of who I am. 


"Emily's studio is a special place which I have longed to visit again ever since I left - thankfully I am joining her Creative Painting Space again in March."

The Creative Painting Space

13-15 March (Wednesday - Friday) | £315

Book Now!

Image: Creative Painting Space (February, Nick Bodimeade)



March’s Creative Painting Space will be a great opportunity for you to schedule three days of productive, progressive, moving-forward-out-of-a-rut type painting. It’s a a guaranteed investment in your practice and a catalyst for future work.  To book your place, click on button below: